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In order to ensure the nursery meets your childs needs to the highest possible level we need to ask if your child has been diagnosed with any of the following conditons.
please note that all children are treated as unique individuals and the nursery needs to gain as much as information as possible to support your child with the transition into nursery life.
please give name of any proffessional supporting your child (e.g. Speech and language therapist, occupational health)

If studnet use transportation please fill below details
  • Required Service
  • Medical Form

    Does the child suffer from any of the following diseases :
    Official Use

    Sign and finish the regestration
    Please Read the terms below

    i have read all teh nursery's polices, parents guidebook, admission regestration terms and conditions, the rules and regulations implemented by iq kids nursery, and agree to all of the above.
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